About Us

Our Mission is to Go

God raised up the Pimentel Project, Inc. (a.k.a. Faces of the Future) to support indigenous ministries in the Dominican Republic, Nigeria, and Kenya through child sponsorship, short-term missions team opportunities, and support for various projects. We also provide administrative support, leadership education, and construction oversight. Our company is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation.

Our Ministry shares strategic partnerships with 3 visionary leaders in their respective nations; Radhames Quezada of the Dominican Republic, Saint Okorafor of Nigeria, and Sam Mungai of Kenya. Our objective is to assist these “veterans with vision” fulfill their unique ministries, which reach into the lives of children and help change their futures.

Contact and Correspondence

PO Box 1181
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29598

The Pimentel Project, Inc. (a.k.a. Faces of the Future) supports indigenous ministries in the Dominican Republic, Nigeria, and Kenya through child sponsorship, short-term missions team opportunities, and support for various projects. We also provide administrative support, leadership education, and construction oversight. Our company is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation.

2024 Trip Dates

Learn more about teams and download trip applications and documents.

  • April 2024 – week before or week after Easter
  • June 10-18
  • June 24-July 2
  • July 8-16
  • July 22-30
  • October 2024

Our Mission

Join Our Team

Sponsoring children to attend CERINFA (Center of Education, Restoration, and Nutrition) comprises the heart of the Pimentel Project. CERINFA selects from among the poorest children in Pimentel and enrolls them in a K-8th Grade, Christian based education. Child Sponsorships provide for the cost of enrollment, two hot meals each school day, and a uniform.

We can help local churches and parachurch ministries plan, organize, and experience missions to the Dominican Republic. You will get to see, firsthand, the impact of caring compassion on the lives of children and the impact it can have in a city. We look forward to partnering with you and helping you get your team together.

Our strategic partnerships in the Dominican Republic, Nigeria, and Kenya are actively engaged in reaching and equipping people for life and ministry. Discover the many projects currently under development or already deployed for Kingdom advancement. There are also links for contributions to specific projects.

Vision and Projects: Kingdom Initiatives

Kingdom Initiatives: Visionary Projects

Our ministries are focused on advancing the Kingdom of God where He has called us, by preaching the Gospel, showing compassion, and strengthening local churches and their leaders. Our projects below embody those core values.

Child Sponsorship
Help provide education and daily nutrition for children in the Dominican Republic.
Partners in the Future
$50 a month provides 2 meals and a nationally recognized education impoverished children in Pimentel and Manabao through CERINFA.
More Info...
El Shaddai Campus, Manabao
Spend a week with your team in the mountains of the Dominican Republic.
El Shaddai Campus, Manabao
Our beautiful campus in Manabao can house teams with up to 16 people, who can serve through evangelism, construction, and kids ministries beneath Pico Duarte.
Tap for more info...
Hope for La Piedra
The floods along El Rio Camu threaten the impoverished people of La Piedra, Cotui. We can help with affordable housing.
Hope for La Piedra
MIVA plans to build 32 houses on a tract of land away from the flood danger along the river. A missions team can complete one house on a 9 day trip.
More info...
Church Revitalization
Bringing renewal to local churches resources local communities with the hope of the Gospel.
Church Revitalization
We work with pastoral networks throughout the Dominican Republic to train and equip local churches to reach their communities and make disciples.
More Information Coming Soon

Our Team

Our Team

Radhames Quezada
MIVA Pastor

By the age of 17, Radhames lived alone on the streets without food, hopeless, and suicidal; however, God intervened to redeem his life and future. When God saved him, he made a promise to share God's love and do everything he could to change the course of other children's lives. The Father continues to use "Pastor Radha" to reach the city of Pimentel.

JW Brown
Founder, Board Member

The origin of the Pimentel Project, Inc. is quite simple. JW Brown was called to the ministry while in high school. He attended Bible College and earned a BS degree with a ministerial major. For the next 14 years after graduating from college, he struggled with understanding the details of the calling.

On October 20, 1996 at 5:20 in the afternoon, while attending a children's service in Pimentel, Dominican Republic, it became very clear to JW the very reason he was born. He had to answer the question, "what are you willing to do?" The answer was, and still is, "I will do whatever you ask me to do." The directive - now is the time complete the project and use the talents that I have gifted to you. Thus the Pimentel Project, Inc. was born. And less than 1 year later, in August 1997, the first classes of kindergarten thru 3rd grade convened.

Jay and his wife, Jeannie continue to love and serve MIVA and the Pimentel Project through frequent trips to the DR.

Bruce Ritter

Bruce is a husband, father, and pastor. He has carried a passion for Pimentel and MIVA since 1994. He is available to share about the the Pimentel Project's ministries and short-term missions teams, as well as minister as a teacher and evangelist to local churches.

Patsy Ritter

Patsy not only manages the Pimentel Project administrative office, but she and her husband, Jacky, are veteran short-term missionaries and crisis chaplains with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse.



Child Sponsorship

Mission Support

Support Bible Life Fellowship in Nigeria

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